How will be the Eid of the disabled in Bangladesh

Dear reader, welcome to a new post of, how will be the Eid of the disabled in Bangladesh. In the current socio-economic context of Bangladesh, a disabled person is a victim of extreme discrimination in the family and society. If good food is cooked in the family, the disabled member is deprived of good food. Eid actually buys new clothes for all the family members but the disabled member doesn’t get new clothes. There is no such thing as Eid for disabled people who are neglected in society and family, I can speak for myself, I am visually impaired, in my family of seven brothers and two sisters, I have been a victim of physical and human abuse from everyone, which is legally a crime.

How will be the Eid of the disabled in Bangladesh

There are many disabled people like me in Bangladesh who have suffered physical and human abuse from family and society in their childhood. We don’t have any social status, we don’t have good looks in the society, many people go to bad places during Eid, but the disabled people can’t go anywhere, if a disabled person goes anywhere, people around him make fun of him. I remember after the construction of the bridge over the river in our area when the bridge was inaugurated many people went for a walk on the bridge. Like them I also went for a visit, a girl saw me and said “This Kana has also come for a visit”. Kana refers to those who cannot see with the eyes. I was a teenager when this happened. Just think about the terrible effect such words can have on the mind of a teenager.

Eid gift for the disabled

There are many disabled people like me who cannot participate in family and social activities. They are made fun of. We disabled people dream of a Bangladesh where disabled people will be given equal family and social status like other normal people. No disabled person will be laughed at, new clothes and other facilities and dignity will be given to disabled people like other family members on Eid or other festivals. In the context of Bangladesh, most of the disabled people are unemployed or unemployed, it is the responsibility of people from all walks of life to put a smile on the faces of these disabled people. Therefore, people from all walks of life should come forward to share Eid with the disabled. Especially expatriate Bangladeshis need to come forward. You go abroad and earn good amount of money, live a good life, you are loyal to your country. So let’s stand by the disabled people and contribute as much as we can for the disabled.

On the occasion of upcoming Eid-Ud-Azha, will distribute Eid clothes, food items and cash among 500 disabled persons and their families. A lot of money is required for this huge work, we are saying to Bangladeshi people staying at home and abroad, those of you who want to stand by the disabled can participate in this Eid support program with us. We will gladly accept your/your donation of any amount. You can send money through our Bkash & Nagod from home and abroad, our Bkash & Nagod number is 01799 833403.

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